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Life story
July 17, 1940
Born in Chester, England, to Margaret and Gordon Woolliams

Keith's parents were married on 1/9/1938 in Leed which is where mother had her dance and music Academy. They took off for the Channel islands where they planed to stay. Although father was 7 years in the tropics then nearly 2 years in Channel islands (C.I.) before being 'evicted' by the Nazis in June 1940 . From Keith's memoir Chapter 2
1955-1956 Flinshire Horticultural Institute (now known as Northop College), N Wales
1 Year course which covered in all aspects of horticulture as a Residential Student.

Certificate in General Commercial and Ornamental Horticulture
Flintshire Horticultural College, N.Wales UK

Union of Cheshire & Lancashire Institutes: English and Horticulture

The Royal Hoeticulture Society: The National Certificate in Elementary Horticulture
1956-59 Bee's Nursery (1000 acres)
Under the nursery's "Apprentice Gardener Scheme"Keith received intensive training in their Trees & Shrubs, Glasshouse and Herbaceous departments. The latter included 6 months learning the specialized techniques needed for cultivation of plants for national exhibitions and shows. (eg Royal Chelsea Flower Show)
May 16, 1956
Recieved Certificate of Horticulture for Juniors from The Royal Horticultural Society
May 13, 1958
Received National Certificate of Horticulture from The Royal Horticulrual Society
May 12, 1959
Received National Certificate of Horticulture (Division II) from The Royal Horticulrual Society
July 1959
Appointed Chargehand in the glasshouses at Bodnant Gardens (Lord Aberconway and the National Turst) in Tal-y-Cafn, N. Wales

In the glasshouse section, Keith was responsible for propagation and cultivation of many rare and unusual indoor and outdoor tender plants, including cacti & succulents. He experienced considerable private estate management and became familiar with landscape design and maintenance systems practiced there.

Laburnum Arch at Bodnant Garden was his favorite feature and he wanted to recreate it at Oregon garden.
May 1, 1960
Recieved National Diploma in Horticulture from The Royal Horticultural Society
January 1961
Began a two-year studentship at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in Richmond, Surrey

An intensive all round practical & theoretical training in botanical, horticultural,gardens and collection management with emphasis on alpine and rock gardening, temperate and tropical plants propagation, indoor and outdoor display and garden management 

Keith's first assignment at Kew was in the Palm House where he was given the Cycad and vine section to care for.
February 7, 1962

Graduated from Royal Botanic Garden, Kew with a Student Gardener's Certificate. He was awarded the Kew Certificate and Best Practical Student Award.

Kew Certificate (equivalent to B.S. Horticulture)

Certificate of Arboriculture (national Arboriculture Society England and Wales


April 3, 1963
Left London for his dream trip of the world first to visit Kenya (Nairobi and Mombasa) and Zanzibar (now Tanzania) for 10 days before travelling to India, where he toured around for over 3 weeks. (4/3/1963-7/21/1963) 
May 7, 1963
Diagnosed with cholera which he had contracted in Calcutta, India. He was hospitalized at the Gakuroku Red Cross Hospital in Lake Kawaguchi, Yamanashi, Japan, and he vomitted violently for 8 days. Dr Hattori cured him by hydrating him.
May 29, 1963
Released By Dr. Hattori of the Kawaguchiko Gakuroku Sekijuuji(Red Cross) hospital.

He was the first cholera patient in Japan for 17 years, so the Japanese Health authority initiated Operation Disinfection-Inoculation to avert a cholera outbreak. This program included disinfecting all the places Keith had visited, and all the people he had been in contact with were inoculated while guests who stayed at the same hotel were urged to report for inoculation. Over 109,000 people were givien the cholera vaccine, costing the Japanese govermant over 340m yen.

In Calcutta, 700 people died from the cholera outbreak that year.

June 1963
Keith traveled to Borneo on the way back to England from Japan. He spent over a month and half with his friend Cyril Giles and his family.
Keith and Cyril collected plants in Borneo and explored the plants in Kinabaru area. They sent all the collected material to Royal Bot gardens Kew. They were recorded as Giles/Woolliams Expedition Collections. According to their records they shipped more than 13 boxes each contains close to 100 specimens! Some are found growing at Royal Bot Garden Edingbara by Cyril'd grand- daughter Kathrine Giles in 2013 (Record shows that this palnts were accessioned into RBGE in 1966). 
August 1963
7/1963-65 Superintendent of the Field Station at Queen Mary's College at the University of London at Brentwood, Essex, 5 acres staff 1 developed and maintained a research and teaching facility for faculty and students. A wide variety of temperate plants were maintained, especially those with unusual taxonomy, chemical properties or outstanding florist quality. Responsible for all the indoor decoration of the Botany Department headquarters situated at Mile End Road, London  

He studied and grew plants for space research under Prof. Whittington.
June 9, 1965
1965-1967  Horticulturist for Horizon Ltd., Bermuda
100 acres staff 14 (Portuguese from the Azores) Designed, developed,maintained and improved the grounds of the company's three hotels and the Coral Beach Club where he was headquartered. He was also responsible for a 9 hole golf course, a practice putting green and a croquet court. A constant supply of indoor plants and cut flowers was provided.
where he was  in charge of ground maintenance at four resorts, including the Coral Beach Club.  
May 16, 1967
1967-12/1968 Superintendent/Curator of the Lae Botanical Garden, Dept of Forest, Papua New Guinea.
150 acres staff 43 (40 were Papua New Guineans) During almost 2 years, Keith designed , maintained and developed the tropical plants collections and supervised the native military school of gardening.Plant records and labels were up-dated and first inventory of the living collection was completed. Expeditions to interior were made and living and dried collections were deposited at Lae or dispatched to other countries. An International plant and seed exchange program was carried out.
December 2, 1968
12/2/1968-4/1/1971  Study Japanese flora under several prominant botanists. They were Dr. Jisaburo Ohwi (Botanist/Author of Flora of Japan);  Dr  Hitoshi Kihara (Kihar Institute for Biological Research); Dr. Makoto Shisa (Horticulturist studying under Dr. Kihara); and Dr. Tsuda and Dr. Maekawa (students of Dr. Tomitaro Makino, the first author of the Flora of Japan, and the authors of The New Illustrated Flora of Japan).

Keith visited all these professors periodically while teaching English Conversation for the Tokyo English Center.

  •            Dr Jisaburou Ohwi                                                 Dr Hitoshi Kihara

  Dr Norio Kondo(R) and Dr Yukio Jotani(L)                                                                 Dr.Makoto Shisa

April 11, 1969
Married Akiko in Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan

Although Keith applied for 6 months visa on his arrival on 12/2/1968, only 3 months stay were granted acoording to the Entry stamp.  Keith was illegal alien by the time our wedding day April 11 1969 was getting close. So Keith applied for extention of visa. But we had to spend the day before our wedding in Utsunomiya Police Station, they questioned and investigated us for several hours! The decision was that Keith had to leave Japan with in 24 hours. So we pleaded for the permission to get married on next day. The Authority granted for 24 hours stay after our marriage. So Keith left Japan to Okinawa the day after our wedding alone, as Okiawa was then still US territory and Akiko didn't have her passport yet! 
April 21, 1971
4/21/1971-5/15/1974  Horticulturist at the Pacific (now National) Tropical Botanical Gardens, Kauai, HI
150 acres staff 11 (Garden started in 1970) Responsible for propagation, plant records, site preparation, design, establishment and maintenance of gardens and living collections. Monitored/ inventoried native plants reserves, assisted with development of an apprentice training program in horticulture and lectured to the students.
August 1972
Traveled to Ogasawara Islands with Takashi Tannowa, Akiko and Frank
November 27, 1973
Keith gave a lecture on "Plant Collection in Ogasawara Islands" at Waikiki-Kapahulu Library Lecture Hall

They organized to have No-Host Cocktail Party at 5 and Dinner at 6 pm at the Willows before the lecture.
April 1974
Published Plants Collecting trip to the Ogasawara Islands  The Bulletin Pacific Topical Botanical Garden Volume IV - Number 2

June 1, 1974
6/1/1974-1/1-1980 Horticulturist  at Waimea Arboretum and Botanical Garden in Haleiwa, Hawaii
Established and implemented daily operating and maintenance procedure which form the basis of daily collection acquisition, record keeping and management including integrated pest control

Published " The propagation of Hawaiian Endangered Species" Newsletter of Hawaii Botanical Society Vol 14 No.4 1975 ( A paper delivered to "the Kew Conference on the Conservation of Threaten plants" Royal Botanic Gardens Kew UK 1975
Also published in Conservation of Threatened Plants, Simmons et al: Plenum Press 1976
Published "The Ogasawara Islands" Collecting and Breeding Tokyo, Japan Vol 37 No.7 1975
May 1975
Keith revisit Papua New Gunea with Akiko Woolliams and Kristin Hedeman for 3 weeks
January 1977
In 1977 established the non-profit Waimea Arboretum Foundation to support the garden's botanical and horticultural work and established and edited "Notes From Waimea Arboretum" published twice a year and distributed world-wide.

 Appointed Vice President of the non-profit Waimea Arboretum Foundation, which he established to support the garden's botanical and horticultural work.
September 6, 1978
10-day trip to Ogasawara Islands with Akiko, Mr Ikuma and M. Yanagawa
December 1978

Published Profile of Waimea Arboretum, Hawaii   Botanocal Gardens Conservation News
Magazine of the IUCN Botanic Gardens Conservation Secretariat Volume 1 Number 1 Decmber 1978

Waimea Arboretum and Botanical garden was selected as Profile Garden No1 by International Union for Conservation (IUCN)

December 1978
Published Observations on the Flora of the Ogasawara Islands  Notes from Waimea Arboretum Vol.5 No.2 December 1978


Keith R Woolliams. "Notes on propagation and Cultivatio of Erythrina in Hawaii". Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden.
Available at:

December 1979
Served as President of the Hawaiian Botanical Society

January 1980
1/1980-7/1998 Director of Waimea Arboretum and Botanical Garden, Haleiwa Hi
150+ acres staff up to 18 6000 Taxa Garden started in 1973 situated within Waimea falls park, with annual visitor count of about 400,000
Responsible for planting, development and maintenance of the botanical garden. Emphasis was on collections acquisition, selection and establishment, including unusual, rare and endangered species and accurate record keeping, interpretation for public and scientific use was a high priority. The director worked closely with local, national and international groups such as state and federal agencies, The Center For Plants Conservation, IUCN,WWF, Botanical Gardens Conservation International.
Began to serve on the Board of Directors of the Friends of Foster Garden in Honolulu, a position he held until January 1996
September 10, 1982
Appointed to serve as Bishop Museum Affiliate Staff, a position he held until July 1998
Published "A Checklist of Hawaiian Coastal Endemic, Indigenous and Polynesian Plants Suitable for Cultivation" Waimea Arboretum Foundation, Education Series No.1 1983 and Education Series NO.2 1983

Visit Dr. Margaret Y Menzel (1924-87) in University of Florida.
March 7, 1984
Rare Flower Blooms here Thanks to Castro's seeds
by Harry Whitten, Honolulu Star Bulletin Wed 3/7/1984

Cuban Infiltration at Waimea park--Thanks to Castro
Honolulu Advertiser Fri 3/9/1984

Published Erythrina elenae : It Flowered  Notes from Waimea Arboretum Vol.II No.2 December 1984


"How long Will They Be With Us?" ( An assessment of Hawaii's rare plants)
Guest speaker for Rotary Club of Wahiawa, Hawaii
November 23, 1986
The New York Times published an article about Keith's work Waimea Falls Park and Keith's work at Waimea.

"...More than half of Hawaii's native plants are endangered or threatened, says Keith Woolliams, director of the Waimea Arboretum and Botanical Garden, who came to the north shore from England's Kew Gardens. Mr. Woolliams has accomplished a feat in saving the Kokia cookei, a small flowering tree of the hibiscus family native to the island of Molokai. Once an abundant species, by the 1950's it was believed extinct. One lone seedling discovered on Molokai in 1970 was destroyed by fire; however, a single cutting had been sent to Waimea, where it produced its first flowers in 1979.

Fidel Castro had a hand in Waimea.
Someone on the arboretum staff thought it would be a good thing to have an example of Erythrina elenae, which did not exist outside its native Cuba, and sent a letter to Castro asking for assistance in acquiring seeds. Fifteen months later the seeds arrived, to flower bright red in the valley..."

Crinum woolliamsii has been published by L.S. Hannibal as a new species on Harbertia Vol 43 No 1 1987 P 14-16

This plants was collected by Keith and Akiko Woolliams from their New Guinea Collection trip at the borders of Laloki Swamp near Port Moresby Animal Quarantine Station, New Guinea in  May 1975.
October 15, 1988
10/15/1988-6/30/1989 Superintendent of Gardens and Conservation at Hanbury Manor, Ware, UK, 
60 acres staff 5 
Took sabbatical  to help Rock Resorts restore and renovate the grounds of this old estate which was noted for its gardens and rare plants in the 19th century. Emphasis placed on restoration of the old landscape plantings and formal hedges and garden re-design where appropriate.
Published his book, A Guide to Hawaii's Poplar Trees
July 20, 1989

Resumed position at Waimea

 Count & Countess Bernadette of Mainau visited Waimea Arboretum
Published "Hawaii and Modern Hibiscus"The Hibiscus Handbook 3rd edition. The American Hibiscus Society Charitable Trust 1990
April 28, 1990
Published "What is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis?" in Direction for the nineties and attended the Second International Australian Hibiscus Society Convention Brisbane Australia,1990, where he gave a presentation on Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
May 24, 1991
The nearly extinct Kokia Cookei were planted during a Planting Ceremony at the Molokai Ranch in Puu Nana, Molokai, by then Governor John Waihee.

Co Authered "Hibiscus in Hawaii" wth Dolores Blalock) Pacific Horticulture, Pacific Horticulture Foundation San Fransisco Winter 1992

Also published in The Seed Pod American Hibiscus Society, Florida April/May/June 1993
Contirbutor of "Tropical Horticulture" in the New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening Macmillan Press 1992
April 19, 1994
Received The Earth Day, Everday Environmental Achievement Award in the second quarter from Earth Day Everyday Hawaii Community Outreach Campaign
September 27, 1994
Received Award of Special Merit and Recognition from the Board of Directors of the Heliconia Society International. Certificate states that he was given the award "in recognition of his role in the development of an outstanding and well-documented collection of heliconias and other Zingiberales at the Waimea Arboretum and Botanical Garden".
A major contributor of text and illustrations "Tropical Gardening" Pantheon/Knopf,(Randam House) 1995
Major Contibutor of information on Horticulture in Hawaii "Gardening"A microsoft Multimedia CD-ROM Released 1995 by Microsoft Corp.
September 24, 1995
Published in Japanese "Malvaceae" The world Plants, Monthly magazine by Asahi Shinbun Tokyo, Japan Vol 75 9/24/1995
October 1995
Published "Conserving Silverswords" The garden, The Royal Horticultural Society UK Illustrated,Oct 1995 An Account of this unique desert species.
February 24, 1997
 "Education in Hawaii's Botanical Gardens" at International Botanical Symposium, Honolulu,  Hawaii Association of Botanical Gardens sponsored by the Garden Club of Honolulu assisted by the Outdoor Circle
August 17, 1998
8/17/1998-9/1/2000 Manager Landscape Dept. Enchanment Resort  in Sedona, Arizona
 70 acres staff of 11.
Responsible for all plants related activities at this prestigious resort, situated in the Juniper forest semi-desert of Northan Arizona. Special emphasis was placed on extending native plantings plus identification and documentation of exotic and native flore. He was also responsible for landscape management, container plants, management of a 6-hole practice golf course, putting green, croquet court and various other lawns. An important aspect of his work was to enhance and encourage the growth of endemic and indigenous flora throughout the natural ecosystem present on the property and to use plants suitable for these semi-desert condition. In addition, it was his responsibility to interpret this resorts unique plant and animal life through computerized records, labels and brochures.
September 18, 2000
First day as Director of Plants Collections Dept at The Oregon Garden in Silverton, Oregon

240acres (70 cultivated) Staff of up to 22. Garden Started in 1999
Responsible for living collections enhancement, collection documentation, labeling and research projects. He coordinated all horticultural activities of the garden, IPM, etc.

Keith started many projects in Oregon Garden. This Carpet of Daffodils in early spring  and Oak grove project as well as Sensory Garden started while Keith was working and still providing the enjoyment to the public.
August 31, 2002
Last day at The Oregon Garden due to position elimination.
July 17, 2003

Takes early retirement

August 12, 2006
"Waimea is Honored"

Plaque reads:

"On August 12, 2006 the ahupia'a of Waimea, moku of Wailua, O'ahu was rededicated following the acquisition of the valley by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, in partnership with the City & County of Honolulu, the United States Army, the Trust for public Land, and the State of Hawaii Department of land and Natural Resources.

This conservation acquisition ensures that, from this day forward, the cultural and natural treasure of Waima Valley will forever be preserved on behalf of Oiwi Hawaii (Native Hawaiians) and all people of the State of hawaii, the nation and the world, so that all who come here may learn from and celebrate this sacred land of our ancestors..."
December 5, 2011
Passed away in Silverton, Oregon, where he had retired
October 3, 2013
Akiko and Divette revisited Waimea Valley and found that Waimea valley Management recognized Keith's contribution to  Waimea's botanical collection in their "Botanical Wonders of Waimea Valley" pamphlet, published in June 2013. This sort of recognition is possible thruough the hard work of Botanical staff like David Orr, Josephine Ho and the ground staff who are taking care of the botanical collection and following the "Policy of the Waimea Arboretum", which was established by Keith in 1974 when he joined Waimea Arboretum.

So Keith's legacy continues....... Makes me feel so proud !! 


In "Foreward" section (p2)

"Waimea Valley was very fortunate to have Keith Woolliams as the Director of the botanical garden from 1970s untill 1998. Keith came to Waimea Valley from National Tropical Botanical Garden on Kaua'i and he had previously been the Director (Note actually Superintendent/Curator) of the Lae Botanical Garden in Papua New Guinea. He was responsible for bringing in many of the rare and interesting plants from around the world. Keith's tireless approach to obtaining plants from the four corners of the earth was a blessing because by the early 1990s it become much harder to move plant material across international borders. Today it is almost impossible. Keith also focused Waimea's efforts to preserve the rarest plants of Hawai'i's dryland forests, and he poineered the conservation of named heirloom food crops. Many in today's conservation community are grateful for his influence."


"This world-class botanical garden was founded in 1973 by the Chales Pietsch family, then known as Waimea Arboretum and Botanical Garden. Detailed collectiom data that came with every plants, seed, or cutting has been recorded into BG-Base, a plant inventory record system used by botanical gardens worldwide. Today it is a living museum displaying over 5,500 kinds of plants representing over 200 plant families and 1000 genera. Over the years, field botanists,conservationists, and plant collectors, have deposited their treasured findings, often rare and endangered specimens, here at Waimea Valley to provide beauty for our guests and preseve precious germplasm for future research and habitat restoration. Almost every plant has a story to tell. In the lower valley, many native trees such as the wiliwili, ohe-makai, alahe'e and lama existed, and the gardens were planted around them. Further up on the ridges and in the gulches, pockets of almost pristine mesic forests have been surveyed and one of the rarest species found is the endangered, nioi, Eugenis koolauensis, related to the mountain apple.

Keith Woolliams, a graduate of England's RBG, Kew School of Horticulture masterminded the design of Waimea Valley in the 1970s and 80s. Over 41 separate gardens are themed according to plant family, genes or geographical origin. Some represent the flora of individual island groups like Fiji,Guam, Lord Howe, the Mascarenes, the Sayshelles, madagascar, Japan's Ogasawara Islands, and six gardens are devoted to the flora of the Hawaiian Isands. Two large gardens feature diverse plants od Central and South America, and the Malesian Flora Region Garden shows many wild-collected plants from Borneo, New Guinea, the Philipines and Indonesia. many palms, gingers and heliconias on display at Waimea are rare in cultivation and in their distant places of origin. Of special interest are the Hawaiian ethnobotanical gardens of canoe plants: Hawaiian named heairloom crop varieties of taro, banana, sweet potato, and sugar cane as well as dye plants and the medicinal garden."